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Schermafbeelding 2019-02-01 om 14_52_18.jpeg

Fyre: The greatest party that never happened


  • This documentary is about the events of a festival and the downfall and the events leading up to it and the things that happened during and after. The message of the documentary was to be careful of things you see as things might not be what they seem and might be different from what you read online. There are sometime emails that are sent to you as you may have been targeted before and then passed on to other frauds its and shows you what can happen when something like this occurs. The message from this documentary can also show that, influencers are showing that they will do anything for money/flame and do not make sure that what they are getting involved with might hurt them or their imagine.  


  • This documentary was to educate the world on the whole truth of                                   what happened during this festival. This was to inform and give                                        more information about the festival even to those people that                                          were there that did not get the answer during the event. The                                        people that were involved with the event have helped and given                                        the information to the project. They have accepted to go to the interviews and wanted to help uncover the truth about the hole festival. The people in the interviews worked closely and help identify the people involved they oversaw major point of the project and then made sure that there were the right things going to happen but the man in charge billy did not let them do their job and when it came to the problems, he either made excuses or then did not say what to do.  







  •  There were quite a few different codes of conduct use in this documentary. There was archived footage and footage filmed from both the production team and the people that went to the festival. There were also interviews with all the people that were in the team to make it happen apart from a few main people and there were also interviews of
    the people that did not go, and the people that did, of how it all
    There was not a narrator but the people that were interviewed constructed the
    story of the event and that shows they do not need the narrator
    as they tell the
    story infront of you.  


  • For legal and ethical considerations, I can easier point out that there is a
    problem of the fact that some people might be not telling the truth and there
    might be lies. Also having these be company talks being shown as well will make the show a little more held back as some people might not want to get involved s there would have been things they were and were not allow to say so it could have changed the view and the edit if the companies that might have been named have been kept out of it. Making sure people do not as question that may hurt them/offend them will also have to be considered and having the people not say everything that may bring shame or documentary down because of what they said.

    A lot of the content today is view by a vast range
    of people and there are people that will be
    offended by certain things it needs to be looked at
    in case 
    anything happens. 


  • This festival changed a lot of things in the world
    knowing what is a scam and what is not and then seeing how people can influence the public and show how good this event will be when weeks before the festival it did not even have a stage. There were so many things that did not happen and this impacted everyone involved. There are people hurt by just thinking of the event of the festival and how it changes their lives. It also shows that these influences are not your friends and will make you try and do anything when they do not know what they are speaking about.  

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